Unforgettable 6 Days: YSEALI Generation Oceans!

I remember the day I stepped into a room to attend a seminar which about study abroad. I still remember how excited I was to hear the speakers presentation and gave them around of applause. I amazed. Wondered when will I can go abroad or even take part on International events, have lots of intercultural friends, use English as my daily language and do project together with people around the world.

One speaker that inspire me a lot until right now spoke about YSEALI (Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative). He said that this program is very good to develop ourselves especially in leadership skill and to get international experience. So, just like got a brainwash, I went back home with very optimistic said to my own self, "I will join YSEALI!".

So I did research. I looked for YSEALI but so sad because at that moment I wasn't qualify to join the program because I was still 16 years old and the minimum age of YSEALI is 18. Two years later, I met the YSEALI Alumni who had just back from US and he was my senior in University, we are in the same Faculty. I met him and asked for explanation include advice to pass the program. He did it very well. He explained me everything include the other programs that YSEALI has. Not just academic fellowship, it also has workshops and competition.

On January I applied for YSEALI Generation Oceans Workshop that held in Jakarta, Indonesia. With a high self confidence I wrote 4 essays that required for the workshop and gave all my best. I really want to be part of YSEALI even though its the workshop, not the fellowship program. Fortunately, God replied my pray. I selected to be one of 64 participants and managed to attend the workshop.

One month before the workshop, we had an online preparation which held in online platform named Basecamp (you can find the apps on playstore also). Via basecamp, we chat to each other, got information for the workshop, and also oceans basic knowledge. Around 2 or 1 week before the workshop, we divided into 16 teams and each team consists of 4 participants with different nationalities to made their own project in order to address the ocean issues. I got team six, consist of 2 Indonesians (Me and Yulia Rachmawati), Philippines (Kier Mitchel Pitogo) and Vietnamese (Hai Nguyen Ngoc). Here is my team:

When the first time we chat on facebook, they are so friendly. I see Kier has a leader personality, Hai is very smart, and Yulia is very active and kind of heart. Oh I almost forget, my leader mentor is from Philippines, Mam Lyca and my youth mentor is from USA, Sean!

Time passed, 15th of March, I was still busy with my laboratory work that really took my 24 hours each day. I gave my assistant and lecturers letter of absence so I can attend the workshop peacefully. Next day, I felt so free because I was free with my lab work and be able to enjoy the Yseali program. Me, Afif, Kak Ayu, and Kak Aco (Selected participants from Makassar) arrived in Jakarta at 1 pm. Brian and some committee welcome us and we were the first group that arrive in Jakarta. But, we didn't go to hotel right after they pick us. We should wait for the Philippines fellow for transportation efficiency

We stayed in Crown Plaza Hotel Jakarta during the workshop program. on the first day (16th of March), the committee welcome us in opening dinner, we gather together with our cultural heritage costume, get motivated and we play angklung together. Here is the picture:

meet my Thailand guys!

In the next day, the workshop begin, we divided into 2 rooms, and each team should divide the member also to join each room. I didn't know why, but I always stay in room 2. I learned a lot there, I learn about Sea Level Rise, story telling, biodiversity, marine pollution and many more (I think i should make a new entries for each topic). Beside just hear the presentation, we also played some games and had discussion during the workshop. Its like learning with fun! I had new knowledge about oceans that really help me as environmentalist.

The 3rd day of the program we travel to Pramuka Island. I was on the upstairs of the boat during the one hour trip, but suddenly we should move into downstairs due to heavy rain. We rushed into toilet right after we arrived in the island. after that, we heard the history of Pramuka Island and all about it from the tour guide. The first activity we did was beach clean up. Each team got one trash bag and we should spread around the beach and pick up the trash, especially plastic. We found a lot of plastic there and also diapers. It's very heart breaking to see that because Pramuka Island is such a beautiful island. After beach clean up, we went around to see the island and found the eco-technology here; hydroponic. The last activity we did was mangrove planting. I can say that that day was my favorite.

As Generation Oceans, we have to do something real that benefical for the society around us. So, each team should have one project to be implemented and 2 lucky teams will get funding and chance to USA based on their projects. So, during the free time of workshops, each team had serious discussion about their own project, including my team. In the last day of the program, we present it in front of all participants and committee. My project name is ReEcho-Ethics which has purpose to save marine wildlife through education. Unfortunately, my team wasn't choose to be one of 2 lucky teams, so we are now still looking for funding to make this project in action (Please help us by donate your money here: FUND ME)

Well, it was short story about my YSEALI Generation Oceans Workshop experience. It such an amazing experience can meet with other promising youth from ASEAN countries. It was a very sad moment when we apart, feels like one week wasn't enough for us. Thank you YSEALI, US Embassy, Cultural Vistas and also fellow committee and participants. See you on top!

*NB: Here's I give you extra photos. Hihi. (I will post the friendship stories during the workshop and about the presentations in the next entries.. be curious!)

We got certificate! (Me-Yulia-Mam Lyca)

Last dinner :/

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  1. Awesome! good to read and recall all those things!! 555

  2. Woah, my first time visiting your blog. All those posts written in English. right? or buginese? wkwk Waw, awesome.
    Do write regularly. Keep writing Sarah :p
